8 Misconceptions

Here are 8 misconceptions and truths I have been discovering since I was given the grace to start Holding On Loosely to my life and others.
1- To let go doesn’t mean to stop loving or caring, it means that I realize that I can’t do it for someone else.
2- To let go is not to separate or cut myself off, but the realization that I am unable to control another.
3- To let go is not to enable, but to allow the process of learning from natural consequences to take place.
4- To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means I realize that results and outcomes are ultimately not in my hands.
5- To let go is not to be protective, but to permit another to face reality which will lead to understanding.
6- To let go is not to deny, but to accept and embrace.
7- To let go is not to regret the past or the future, but to grow and choose to live this day in the moment.

8- To let go is to be less fearful and anxious and to give myself permission to live more.

Remember – Like a flower needs to let go of its petals in order to fully blossom so must we also learn to let go if we are to discover and fulfill the full potential of our lives.


Photo by Victoria Soderstrom

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