Life Giving Notes From The Road of Grace

The pearls of wisdom and truth we pick up on the road of grace are not designed to fix our life as much as they are meant to help us find it. Here are 12 of these pearls that continue to bring much freedom and peace into my daily life.

1- We are not our life

2- In life we are meant to take but we are also meant to give back – Just like when we breathe.

3- The Cross was not designed to try and convince God to love us.

4- The Bible is a description not a prescription.

5- The word flesh in the Bible refers to our ego not our human body.

6- It is very difficult to follow someone we worship.

7- We shape our believe of God and then that God we believe in shapes us.

8- Discovering God and ourselves is a parallel journey. They are both meant to happen simultaneously.

9- There is no point in doing an inward journey if it doesn’t eventually lead us to an unconditional loving God.

10- Gods language is silence and his rhythm still.

11- The role of shame in our lives is to distract us from the story God is telling about us by getting us to try and disqualify a story about ourselves that is not true.

12- The biggest weapon against shame is vulnerability.


Photo by ewitsoe

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