Which Questions Are We Going To Ask in Heaven?

As I was running this morning I began to think about the questions we are going to ask people we meet in heaven whom we of course didn’t even know existed here on earth. It struck me that almost every conversation we have with a new person we meet here almost always begins with the standard question “so what do you do”?

This question speaks volumes about what is important to us in our daily lives and how we judge peoples worth according to their position in society. Clearly asking this question in heaven will be very awkward and absolutely groundless. So what will we ask each other when we meet someone we didn’t know here…will it be perhaps something about their hearts or maybe their families or where they lived? or will we ask about the adventures they had with God and the moments they lived where they felt him flow through their lives? Or will we only be able to remember the moments that we were present, instead of absent, as those were the only real ones?

I guess we can all answer differently and speculate about it. However one thing seems clear to me and that is that in his kingdom I am coming to understand what is important it is not so much what we do or how well we do it but instead who we really are and this can only be discovered and understood moment by moment. If we of course choose to live our lives within this reality which available to all of us.

Understand – Eternity doesn’t begin when we die. We are already living in it so let us therefore choose to take care of what is important and before us and not what might be ahead and urgent as that, in this planet, may never arrive!


Photo by Outbj

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