The Naked Truth

Many of us today need to understand that at the core of our being we are not sinners but indeed perfect and beautiful children of God. The only reason we live and think of ourselves as sinners is because we are not aware of this truth that has been residing within us since before creation took place.

Part of seeing this means undertaking a journey where we “unlearn” most of what we have been told we are so we can discover whom these lies have been responsible for covering up. Too many of us spend most of our lives trying, often unconsciously, to prove this “sinner” tag wrong by trying really hard to build an image that we believe will reflect the complete opposite. Yet the harder we try the harder we need to keep trying. I wonder today what it would look like if you suddenly stopped listening to that story that is going on within your mind 24/7 where you are told, you are not good enough, you don’t measure up, you are a mistake, you are always going to make the wrong choices, no one will ever notice you – plain and simply you are a loser. Maybe you put this story together through what others told you repeatedly. Maybe it was a false conviction you formed through your religious studies. Or perhaps the unfortunate experiences you have had in your life led you to believe this.

Whatever it may be for you I would like to invite you today to consider that perhaps there was a reason why Jesus hang naked on the cross and not clothed as the thieves besides him did. I believe if we want to honor what Jesus did for us and see and live as He did then we too need to be ready to share in his nakedness as this is the only way towards a place of experiencing a complete, if thats possible on this earth, spiritual awakening. Where we no longer listen to the false stories about ourselves, nor accept unfounded shame, nor hold up blinding labels, nor maintain illusional masks, nor carry excess baggage.

Instead we choose to listen to Gods naked truth about us by living a naked life that chooses to travel light.


Photo by Unknown

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