Pastor Hunter Wright • The Impact of Pablo’s Work from Pablo – on Vimeo.
Judy Murray
Pablo is one of the most energetic, effective and passionate coaches I’ve worked with. It doesn’t matter if it’s with club players or on the WTA Professional World Tour – his enthusiasm and drive is second to none.
John Grimshaw
Pablo is a motivator who thinks out of the box and challenges people to think about their perception of themselves in a more positive light.
Kaia Kanepi
Pablo is a coach that cares for his clients. The quality of his work is very high and professional. His coaching methods are very effective which is what I believe helped me to improve so much whilst I worked with him. He is very dedicated and pays very close attention to the details that make the difference. If you want a coach that will be honest and bring you results then look no further.
Tomas Ruzicka
I have been in the coaching-teaching business for over 30 years. During this time I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Pablo Giacopelli for 15 of those years. Throughout this time he has shown great courage, personal discipline, faith and believe in his own ability.As time has progressed the challenges that Pablo has undertaken have been harder and the goalposts higher each time, yet every single time he has risen up to the new challenge. What makes him a great coach is his honesty not only with those he coaches but most importantly with himself. He is a winner, because he knows how much he still has to learn even if others consider him an expert. His honesty, creativity and vision set him apart from the rest. If you want to achieve results in your life and you are willing to look deep inside yourself for answers, Pablo is the best man I know for that task.
Bonny Mate
Pablo is full of passion, power, love and sincerity. I was drawn in and fully engaged immediately listening to the message that he was sharing of God’s relational pursuit of our hearts. Not having an earthly Father growing up, I loved being reminded that I do indeed have a “Daddy” who wants to be involved with me daily. Pablo reminded me that I don’t have to “perform” to be accepted, which has freed my mind and heart up to be who God intended me to be.
Rick Hartsell
Pablo came to hang out with the men in our area. Whether sitting around the campfire, in the classroom setting, or at our major “on stage” event, Pablo exuded the love and the confidence of Jesus. What I mean by that is he was genuinely able to let us feel the love of Jesus, plus authentic enough to have his own opinions without having to “weigh” every word. I think it is the confidence he has in the simple message of a “daddi” type of love that makes his teaching and speaking incomparable.
John Nesbitt
Pablo is a man transformed by the grace and love of God! His relationship with God reveals what it is like to move from performance to dependence and peace. His message is delivered with passion and authenticity and his engaging speaking draws the listener through transparent honesty into the story of his life, and ultimately to the Father. Pablo is a blessing!
Kim Miller
Hearing Pablo share pieces of his journey out of the frustrations and limitations of performance based religion into a space of very real and honest engagement with Father God was, for me, both a refreshing experience of honesty, and a confirmation of the voice that my own heart was speaking. Having come to my own conclusion that all my religious endeavors had done very little to make any real difference in the world, it was wonderful to hear someone sharing similar thoughts, and to witness God releasing him to the body of Christ to say so. In days like these, when perspectives are changing, and loving and relating with God and with others is again finally being considered our first priority as believers, voices like Pablo’s are challenging us to reexamine, to readjust, and to reinvest in living present with God, and in doing so, better represent him to the world He so longs to engage.
Kevin Miles
Pablo has the unique ability to trust the Father’s heart in any given speaking situation. He delivers a clear and compelling message of God’s grace with tremendous ease. We’ve hosted him two different years and he is a delight to be with and listen to. Pablo shares the Life that he has found in Jesus in such a way that people are drawn to want to know more about Christ and his great love for us. I highly recommend him for your next speaking engagement.
Darrell Amy
Pablo brings a fresh and authentic perspective to a grace-filled life. Every time I listen to Pablo, I find my faith stretched and my heart encouraged. He puts words to things I’ve felt but not known how to articulate. Maybe what I like best is the way his coaching background shines through as he masterfully guides people to understand what it looks like to walk with God.
Priscilla Molina
Listening and reading about what God has done through Pablo’s life has arrested my heart. God is mysterious and in my walk with Him I often sought to understand Him better. But something greater than understanding the Father has taken place after my time with Pablo. After hearing him share his heart, Daddy’s heart, I have had an experience with God in such a way that it has changed my identity. Thank you Pablo.
Wanda Everett
I stumbled across an invitation to ” A Night with Pablo Giacopelli ” and had no idea why I was compelled to attend. His message is powerful and simplistic. His unique way of speaking from the heart will encourage you to find yours again and to follow it!
Donna Kerr
I had been encouraged by many of the men from West Shore Evenagelical Church to read Pablo’s book, “Holding On Loosely”. I found the book to be a surprisingly incredible read, having a great impact on how I view daily life. Soon after I finished the book I was excited to hear that Pablo was actually coming to my church to speak. He sure made his printed words come to life and his presentation did not disappoint. I found his life story inspiring and his speaking style genuine. Needless to say, I highly recommend Pablo and his book. If you’re ever presented with the opportunity to hear this dynamic speaker, don’t pass it up.