He Moved In!

There was once a ward in a hospital with extremely handicapped people in it. These people were sent there as they were unable to communicate or even function properly in society. They were the product of extreme mental trauma suffered at the hands of others either from childhood or in adulthood.

The hospital where the ward was located had tried everything they knew to help these people recover but not much progress was made over the years. The patients were mainly sedated most of the day and lived isolated and lonely lives. One day a new doctor was hired to lead the department. Unlike all the other leaders that had gone before him, he told the hospital that he would move into the ward permanently and he would live with the patients as just one more of them. The hospital at first felt this was odd and extreme however they cautiously agreed to it. The doctor moved in his things and started to do life with these people. At night he would often sit with them and just talk to them. He would cuddle them and hug them and would show them love like they had not seen in their lives. He offered them unconditionally what they could not even begin to earn.

After six months people that had not spoken in years began to speak. Others began to smile and others still began to recover from the trauma. Most of the patients eventually stopped their sedation and in time many of them returned to their normal lives as they were always meant to be.

Through Jesus, like this doctor, God moved physically into our reality with us as He became one of us. He willingly limited himself to the same limitations we have while at the same time He revealed to us what we could not earn within it which was unconditional love and grace. For Him it was so important that we understood who He really was that He decided to show up Himself and tell us all about it. He didn’t use artificial medicine or a third party to heal us and show us the way as that had been reserved all along for His presence and tender hands.

So today no matter what is up in your journey, take some time to be still and receive from Him what nothing nor no one can ever give us in this reality we all live in, no matter how hard we keep trying.


Photo by T.A.P Masa

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