Life Begins in the Heart

One of the first things God loves to do in our lives is help us to get rid of the mental image we have of him.

I would like to encourage us today to let go of god. Let go of the mental image we have created of him in our head. Let go of who we think he is. Let go of what we think he likes. Let go of what we think pleases him. Let go of anything that in any way makes this god of ours a predictable, under control, safe, and a small god.

Our mind and mental capacities were never meant to be the ones to figure this out and that is because they are just not capable to do so. Plain and simply put in our mind we will never be able to understand, experience, or even feel the God of the universe. God loves for us to be ourselves as much as he loves for us to let him be whatever He wants to be at any given moment….

Our savior Jesus said if you want to find your life you must first loose it which I am discovering means – if you want to discover who you really are you have to first let go of who you think you are.  Likewise if you want to find and experience the real God you must first loose the one you have created in your head.

As amazing as this sounds this is something I am learning to do and I am finding extraordinary freedom in as I allow him a little bit more each day to reveal himself in and through my heart instead of my controlled and limited thoughts.

Remember – the Bible says that life begins in the heart…and so does discovering the one true God.

Have a great weekend!


Photo by Unknown

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