Adding Momentum to Our Journey

I’ve been nudged the past several months by something deeper within me. Something I can’t shake loose from. It has found its place in my heart, a good place, where I believe God is whispering to me that I need to step out. From the confidence he’s given me into the unknown, the place beyond the Fig Leaf, beyond holding on loosely.

I’d like to tell you why.

Over the years deep places within us get twisted and withdrawn into a place that seems dark, lifeless. We lose ourselves here perhaps because one word, one experience, or even one thought led us to believe a lie that told us that life was meant to be this way. Coming out of these dark places to face the light of life is tough and above all requires much vulnerability on our part. We travel through a space where we are given the sense that our surrender is nothing more than our weakness being exposed. Yet as we make that initial decision to face it, we suddenly find this remarkable sense of power that not even our strongest self could ever have provided for us.

Today I am in this place and I want your help.

You see, as a young man while I raised myself – yep you’re reading this correctly – I developed this unhealthy sense of self-sufficiency and independence. What mattered most was only what I could do on my own. Asking others to help disappeared along with other options that I had decided were almost useless after hearing the word “no” so many times from others and the words “yes, trust yourself” from the lie within me.

I have been robbed. Where did this thievery come from? From my lost place that has kept me from the opportunity to experience the value of my friends, of my community at a deeper level. What’s been stolen (by me) is  the love and connection that is often found when we do ask others… even if they say no.

Today I am delighted to tell you that I am finding myself not in the dark place of independence that has robbed me of valuable lessons. Slowly, because I am seeing His Light differently, I am learning to ask again. To ask for help. You see, as God has “began” something new within me I suddenly have drawn the courage to ask you to consider helping me share in adding momentum to the next phase of my journey and in doing so, assisting the journey of thousands of others like us.

How can you help?

I’m asking you to please consider giving to the fund raising campaign I will will running for the next 12 days. These funds will be used to help me pay for the publishing of the study guide, for the book The Modern Fig Leaf, which many are currently requesting. To watch a short video and find out more how you can join me please click here

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for buying my books. Thank you for sharing them with others. But above all else, thank you for loving me and supporting me every day.

I love you wherever you are!


PS. The currency being used for this campaign is British Pounds as this is the country where I am a citizen and I am allowed to run a fund raising campaign from. If you would like to access a conversion rate calculator please click here

Photo by Darla Winn

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