
We are at that part of the year once again when many of us will be celebrating Christmas which is by the way one of my most favorite times of the year for many reasons. There are many views about Christmas and whether it is right to celebrate it or not as after all Yeshua was born in October. Some would say is paganism and others that it is the best time of the year to share Gods truth with others. 

Now seeing that many events will run during this festive season where Yeshua, his life, and message will be presented, I wonder if you have ever considered or taken the time to reflect on your own on what the message that Jesus brought with him for us was really all about?

Well here is what I have discovered thus far as I continue to journey from my heart and not necessarily from what others are telling me …

God is not separated from you and has never been. He doesn’t live up in the sky somewhere where you can’t see him. He is much closer than that (Luke 17:21) In fact he has always been so close to us that he is one with us…everyone of us.

You know why you have missed it and continue to miss this and how you can stop missing it?

Stop forming theologies, doctrines, and making the rules and your performance the most important thing. These will only satisfy your egotistical thinking and lead you to feel like you have figured him out. You will never do it through a book or any clever thinking. (John 5:39-40)

So stop working so hard to try and reproduce what you already have within you. Stop using your mind (repent) to try and see and experience this stuff. It was never designed to do that. (Matthew 11:30)

Want to know what needs to happen for you to be able to experience this all the time in your life?

Allow me to wake you up spiritually and reconnect you to the reality of Heaven that is already within your heart (The Kingdom of Heaven). When I do this and you begin to live out of that reality I will be lifted up out of you (my spirit – your spiritual DNA) and suddenly you will begin to see me in everything, everyone, and everywhere you go. You will finally understand, not know, how much and how well I love you and always have. (John 3:1-21)

Is there a specific time when this happens?

Yes in a place called the present that is only accessible from your heart and not your clever forward thinking mind. (Matthew 6:32 & Luke 17:21)

Now thats GRACE AND LOVE FILLED GOOD NEWS worth sharing with everyone!


Photo by Andre Dc

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