Separation is impossible with God.

There is evidence everywhere that everyone of us has been custom made. Our DNA is one of the phenomenons that solidifies this fact about each and everyone of us. So unique is this part of us that it led to one of the most major breakthroughs we have had in the last decades which is DNA testing. This of course was only possible because each of one of us has a unique and different physical DNA that if traced back all the way to its origins will not only lead us to our parents but it will also lead us to the original source where all human existence began.

Within our hearts the bible tells us that we have all been made in His image, His nature, and His likeness. Here within us we find our True Identity that is fused together with Dad and carries his spiritual DNA like we carry our physical parents DNA. Here in this place there is nothing wrong with us as we are complete and whole as Jesus said because we are one with and in Him. This part of us clearly shows us that our bodies are simply a temple that houses the real us which also has a source and that source is not a human one but instead the living God. Today more than ever we all need to understand that we are all children of God. NO matter what our race, color, creed, financial or social status, career path, or even sexual inclination is. We all owe and have the same source of life. The devil is incapable of creating anything true much less giving and sustaining the life of it. Thats why he is only the father of lies and nothing or anyone one else.

So next time you feel like separating yourself or perhaps isolating someone else that doesn’t quite carry the same external labels as your self or the group you are a part of remember this – you are only attempting to distance yourself from someone that carries the same image, nature, and likeness of God within them and have the same source of real life as you do.

Jesus always visited places and people most of us today choose to externally separate ourselves from. I wonder if he did this because he saw something deeper than the labels that separate us humans. I wonder if he saw in them the same spiritual DNA he and we carry. I wonder if he saw that the only difference between all of us is that some of us understand who are Father is and some of us don’t as this sickness called sin prevents us from doing so – and thats why he said that all we need is a “doctor” to help us get well.

Remember – Next time your mind begins to lead you towards a place of separation and isolation know that what you are attempting to distance yourself from is not only someone whom in their true identity share the same exact DNA as you do, but probably also the very people that Jesus woke up each day to seek and find.


Photo my MSD


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