Getting Undressed with God

Many of us have this false believe that everyone who fornicates is a fornicator, everyone that lies is a liar, everyone that commits adultery is an adulterer, and so forth. Unfortunately much judgement has been passed and many have been told that heaven will not be part of their journey because of these and other shortcomings. Yet if we take the time to consider the above statement so we can truly understand what was really being said behind it, we will realize that much of the judging we have done and continue to do along these lines is and was in error.

Allow me to explain.

Consider today that the only way you can be rightfully labeled a fornicator, a liar, an adulterer, and anything else they might call you is when you have found your identity in this label. In other words you are unable to live without doing these things as you believe this is who you are. Without these acts your life feels empty, energy less, and suddenly it has no meaning. This is why we need to understand that what Paul was referring to was something much deeper than just a label. He was sharing with us the dangers of finding our identities in what we do whether good or bad and not in who we truly are in Christ.

All of us work so does that mean that we are all workaholics? Most of us have a drink so does that mean we are all alcoholics?

Absolutely not!

Well – the same goes for the list above.

Have a very Happy and label free New Year!


Photo by Darla Winn

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