The Inner Traffic Light

I have driven on South African roads many times before which means that I have had to experience the impact that the regular power cuts have on the traffic signals in this nation. I remember last year when once again while having to endure along with everyone else another blackout I noticed something that I had never seen before when I came to a non-working traffic light – There is never an accident when the lights are not working whereas when they are working correctly there are plenty.

How can this be? Well here is what my heart showed me.

When the lights are working people are completely unaware of safety or even of the traffic rules as they assume that the traffic lights will keep everything under control. Yet these are the times when more people run red lights, go before the light is green, and naturally cause accidents. Yet when the lights are not working and suddenly there are no rules or laws in play not only does the traffic flow better but people suddenly become aware of a different kind of safety and order that impacts their behavior in a way that the rules and the laws when enforced from outside by a traffic light never do.

How amazingly similar this picture is when it comes to living our lives. When we focus on keeping the laws outside of us through our self effort, we will always end up frustrated, unaware, and in time develop a lifestyle that will render us lifeless. Yet, when we live from our hearts we suddenly become aware and are able to keep the laws and rules without even trying. Maybe just maybe Jesus, 100% human like us, was able to keep the commandments as he did because instead of trying he just focused on seeking (living out from within) the same kingdom and righteousness we too carry within our hearts and indirectly he fulfilled the whole list!

One thing I have learnt through this experience is that we will always have a better chance of fulfilling the law when we stop trying to.


Photo by Steve Montana Photography

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